✤6 slices of bacon, cooked crisp & roughly crumbled
✤1/2 tbsp olive oil (or use the leftover bacon fat!)
✤10 large eggs
✤1/2 tbsp dry mustard powder
✤ salt & pepper, to taste
✤1 cup milk (almond works good)
✤1 cup (~255g) plain Greek yogurt
✤2 big handfuls (~60g) baby spinach
✤1/2 cup (45g) green onion, chopped
✤1/2 cup (56g) white cheddar cheese, shredded
❖Preheat oven to 350° (177°C), and grease a pie or round dish with the olive oil or bacon fat.
❖In a large bowl, beat the eggs together with the mustard powder, salt & pepper until fluffy and well combined.
❖Whisk in the milk & yogurt until smooth, then gently fold in the spinach & green onions.
❖Pour the mixture into the prepared dish, then evenly top with the bacon, then the cheese.
❖Bake uncovered for 35-45 minutes, until light golden and set in the center.