✤1 ½ cups cold water
✤3/4 cup (126g) uncooked brown rice, rinsed
✤2 cups almond milk, divided
✤1/3 cup (64g) sugar
✤1/4 tsp salt
✤1 egg, beaten
✤1 tbsp butter
✤1/2 tsp vanilla extract
✤ cinnamon for optional topping
❖In a medium saucepan over medium-high heat, combine the water & rice and bring to a boil. Reduce heat to low, cover, and simmer until tender, about 15-20 minutes. Don’t remove the lid until the end! If there’s still water in the pot, turn off heat and let steam for an additional 15-20 minutes.
❖In a separate large saucepan, combine the cooked rice, 1 ½ cups milk, sugar & salt. Cook over medium heat until thick and creamy, about 20 minutes.
❖In a large bowl, whisk together the egg and remaining ½ cup milk. Slowly add a small amount of the rice mix to the egg/milk mix, stirring constantly, to temper the eggs and prevent them from scrambling in the pudding.
❖Return this bowl mix to the saucepan and cook for 2 minutes, also stirring constantly.
❖Remove from heat and stir in the butter & vanilla. Top with optional cinnamon as desired.