
Grilled Leeks



4 large leeks

2 tbsp olive oil

1 oz (28g) Parmesan cheese, grated

salt & pepper, to taste


Begin by cutting off the tough dark green tops of the leeks, leaving the more tender white and paler green sections. Don't totally cut off the root end, just the little squiggly roots at the end, which will help the leeks stay together while cooking. Slice each leek in half and rinse thoroughly to remove any dirt.

Bring a large pot of water to a boil over high heat and drop the leeks in, letting them cook until they begin to soften, about 5 minutes. Remove from the pot and place in a bowl of ice water to stop them from continuing to cook and also to hold the color.

In a wide frying pan, heat the olive oil over medium-high heat. Place the leeks cut-side down in the pan and cook for several minutes until they are starting to brown. (You can also brown them a bit on the other side too).

Transfer to a serving plate, sprinkle with the Parmesan cheese, and season with salt & pepper to taste.

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