✤2 large green plantains, ends trimmed and peeled (~347g)
✤ Oil spray
✤2 cups water
✤2 tsp salt
✤1½ tsp garlic powder
❖Slice plantains into 1-inch pieces.
❖In a small bowl, combine the water with the salt & garlic powder.
❖Preheat air fryer to 400°F (200°C).
❖When ready, spritz the plantain pieces with the cooking spray and cook in air fryer for 7 min.
❖Remove from air fryer and, while they’re hot, mash them with a tostonera or bottom of a measuring cup to flatten. Add them to the seasoned water and set aside.
❖Cook again in air fryer (in batches if needed) 5 min on each side, spraying both sides with the oil spray. Serve immediately.